Actions in process

Actions in progress within the network

Event to note: The Bordeaux EV-Club is organizing a local meeting on the theme “isolating and quantifying EVs”, on July 8, 2024, in Bordeaux, if interested, please contact

The members of the network are involved in various training activities (thesis, posdoc), and contracts.


-Role of exosomes as infectious vectors in prion diseases – EXOPRION

Leader: Didier VILETTE

-Transmission enhancer of flaviviral origin in mosquito saliva – VirSalivaEnhancer

Leader: Juliel Pompon

-Zebra fish as a model for evaluating the therapeutic potential of exosomes – ZENiTh

Leader: Guillaume Van Niel

-Role of extracellular vesicles in plant-microbe – Exosomes interactions

Leader: Richard O'Connell

-Muscle release Extracellular vesicles in the context of Insulin-resistance associated with Diabetes (MEXID) – MEXID

Leader: Sophie Rome

-Multidisciplinary approach to stimulate the bioproduction and engineering of Gram+ bacteria’s Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) for therapeutic applications to treat inflammation

Leader: Jean-Marc CHATEL

Modification date: 26 June 2024 | Publication date: 17 June 2022 | By: